Laredo, Laredo College, Workforce Solutions for South Texas announce Laredo CARES 3.0

Melva Castillo enero 28, 2024
LMT 01.28.2024

~ Laredo Morning Times

The City of Laredo Economic Development Department, in collaboration with Laredo College and Workforce Solutions for South Texas, announced the Laredo CARES 3.0 Workforce Training Program.

This is the third workforce training and certification program that these entities have partnered together on to help the community prepare and acquire the proper skills and certifications to finding a job in top key industries in Laredo.

Funding for this program is provided through allocations through both the City of Laredo and Laredo College. Both entities have committed and pledged up to $750,000 each, for a total of up to $1,500,000 in program funding.

Eligible participants will be able to choose from 18 different programs in fields such as health and medical, business, management, technology, education, transportation, logistics and industrial. All trainings and certification programs will be provided by Laredo College Office of Continuing Education.

Laredo College is now accepting applications for the program via

As part of the partnership of the program, Workforce Solutions for South Texas will offer and provide additional support services such as resume writing, job seeking, transportation and child care for students.

“The Laredo CARES 3.0 collaboration is a testament to the continued commitment and support by Laredo College, Workforce Solutions for South Texas, and the City of Laredo by offering the educational and workforce development resources needed to ensure that our city is workforce ready in the different industries that have been identified as high demand,” said Miriam Castillo, City of Laredo Economic Development Director. “We anticipate that this third collaboration will reach more than 700 individuals, that will be added to the almost 1,800 that have benefited since its inception.”

“The previous Laredo CARES Programs have been successful in training thousands of new skilled professionals in high-demand fields whose work directly impacts the quality of life for people in our community,” Laredo College President Dr. Minita Ramirez said. “This partnership between Laredo College, the City of Laredo and Workforce Solutions for South Texas will continue to make a significant impact on our region’s workforce development and economic growth.”

Read the original story here

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