Category: In the News


Workforce Solutions ofrece Programa a Jóvenes de 16 a 24 años

LAREDO, Texas – La mañana de este martes nos acompañó Guillermo Bermúdez, Instructor en Workforce Solutions para hablarnos de un programa que ofrecen a los jóvenes de 16 a 24 años de edad que están en casa en estas vacaciones y les gustaría experimentar o abrirse puertas iniciando en un empleo.
Vea la entrevista completa siguiendo este enlace

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Telemundo 09.20.2023

Actor Laredense motiva a Estudiantes en Expo de Carreras

LAREDO, Texas – Cerca de dos mil estudiantes de preparatoria participaron en una exposición de carreras.

50 diferentes organizaciones y agencias acudieron al Sames Auto Arena para mostrar a los jóvenes las oportunidades laborales que hay para ellos.

La exposición fue organizada por Workforce Solutions.

Durante el evento, Rogelio Ramos, un actor Laredense que vive en Hollywood, habló con los estudiantes sobre su carrera a lo largo de casi dos décadas, donde ha logrado participar en varias películas, series y anuncios comerciales.

Reconoció que conseguir trabajo como actor, no es fácil, pero esto dice es su pasión.

Ramos agrego que en Laredo hay mucho talento para la actuación y motivo a los jóvenes a luchar por sus sueños.

Durante la expo de este miércoles 20 de septiembre también nuestro canal de Telemundo y nuestra estación hermana KGNS, estuvieron presentes.

Vea la historia aquí

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KGNS 09.20.2023

Workforce Solutions holds Youth Career Expo at Sames Auto Arena

Published: Sep. 20, 2023, at 5:29 PM CDT
LAREDO, Tx. (KGNS) – High school seniors from all over our region were able to get a sneak peek at what careers await them in the near future.

On Wednesday morning, Workforce Solutions held its Youth Career Expo for students of Laredo, Zapata and Bruni.

Graduating seniors were invited to see what career opportunities are available in our area as well as careers in Tinseltown.

Many different career fields were represented including law enforcement, health, and entertainment.

“I’m here to share my story in hopes that my story they can get motivated and decide to follow their dreams to let them know it is achievable that your dreams can come true if you put in the work and you have a plan,” said Ramos.

Ramos said he was happy to share his career journey with the students.

Watch the story here

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LMT 09.20.2023

Thousands of Laredo senior students visit Youth Career Expo

Workforce Solutions for South Texas held its traditional Youth Career Expo targeting high school students from Laredo, Zapata and Hebbronville on Wednesday at Sames Auto Arena.

More than 40 exhibitors provided students with information about different careers and jobs in Laredo. Senior high school students were brought in during four different sessions, with an estimated 800 coming to each session.

Rogelio Trevino, Executive Director of Workforce Solutions for South Texas, said that this fair has been held for several years, but this is the first to be held face-to-face after the COVID-19 pandemic.

“When the pandemic started, there was no face-to-face Career Expo,” he said. “We did hold an event via Zoom with the employers and the students heard them speak, but now we are very happy to bring together students — who are in their final year of high school — to learn about the different companies and types of jobs that exist in Laredo so they can see what they should do to prepare for their jobs.”

Trevino stressed that during this event the students had the opportunity to speak with business owners, managers from different companies and educational institutions, and they asked questions on the careers they would like to pursue.

“Students can ask them what I should do, how I prepare for this job, what classes I should take, what are you looking for in an employee,” he said. “Employers also have the opportunity to talk to them and say, ‘Look, in this industry, this is the future of this program. This is a career you can pursue.'”

Trevino said that the goal of WSST is to connect employers with the workforce.

“We try to bring them together so that employers find a workforce that is prepared and trained to help them, and so that the workforce sees and knows the jobs that exist so that they can prepare themselves,” he said.

He added that this expo has been very successful, and they will continue hosting the event every year.

“We at WSST are very happy to be able to do this,” he said. “Our focus is to help business grow with employees trained and prepared, because if we help these businesses there will be more employment, and this will impact positively to our community.”

America Cantu and Nancy Gutierrez, seniors at United South High School, said that they were happy to attend the Career Expo.

“We can see many opportunities for what we can do in Laredo and outside of Laredo in terms of work,” Cantu Said.

Gutierrez said that the Career Expo was an important event for them to participate in.

“I really like this environment because it is mind opening since there are many opportunities that we didn’t know existed,” Gutierrez said.

United High School student Andrew Mendoza said he had just visited the TAMIU booth and enjoyed his time there.

“I have been touring the expo because it is very interesting,” he said. “There are many things that I would like to learn about. I was at the TAMIU booth and asked some things. I am enjoying it, it’s fun.”

Diann Gonzalez, who is with the School of Retail Leadership at H-E-B, said she was very excited to represent H-E-B at the Career Expo.

“I like that students have the opportunity to engage with different retailers,” she said. “They are very active and come with many questions, and I am very happy to guide them on their next career path.”

She said that among the questions students asked were how to apply and get a job at H-E-B.

“They ask me, for example, ‘How old do I have to be to start working? Do I need experience?'” she said. “Some tell me that they have already applied but they have not been called for an interview, and then I give them some tips like not to give up, to apply again, not to be discouraged. In addition, they can start working at 16 years old and they don’t need experience to work in our stores.”

Gonzalez also said she was very proud to represent H-E-B before the Laredo leaders of the future.

“I’m happy to engage with them and really looking forward to seeing them apply in our stores,” she said.

Read the online story from LMT at

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LMT 08.07.2023

Workforce Solutions touts WorkInTexas, features over 1,300 job postings

Malena Charur
Laredo Morning Times
Aug. 7, 2023

Workforce Solutions for South Texas has announced several hiring events for next week and is inviting job seekers to attend.

Graciela Perez, Employment Services Lead at Workforce Solutions for South Texas, said that both employers and job seekers can take advantage of all the services WSST has to offer.

“It is in our best interest to connect job seekers with employers, and we provide our no-cost service to both of them,” she said.

Perez encouraged all job seekers to take the next step to fulfill their careers. She said that locals can visit to see all available jobs for the Laredo area.

As of Aug. 6, WorkInTexas had around 1,300 positions listed within 10 miles of Laredo.

“ is provided at no cost — 24 hours a day, seven days a week — and seeks to match qualified job seekers with potential job opportunities, online and in real time, by comparing things like work experience, skills, abilities, education and other factors,” she said.

On this website, employers can post jobs, search résumés, recruit candidates, get labor market information, and receive a variety of other services online and also via a network of Workforce Solutions offices throughout the state.

Perez added that individuals seeking a new job, different job, or an additional job can post their résumé, search job listings — including Texas state agency jobs — obtain employer contact information to apply for jobs, get information about the job market, and receive a variety of other services online and also via Workforce Solutions offices throughout the state.

“It can be they want to move to a new job, or desire a change in career, or are looking for a job in general. We want them to know that we are here to assist them in their journey,” she said. “We always recommend for them to bring their resume. If they don’t have one, we invite them to visit our center at 1406 Jacaman Road, Suite A, in Laredo, or any of the Workforce Virtual Stations available around Jim Hogg, Webb and Zapata Counties where our staff is available to help them in putting together their resume.”

The locations of the Workforce Virtual Stations can be found at

Perez said other tools to consider before coming to a hiring event include:

Dress for success.
Practice a pitch.
Arrive early.
Be enthusiastic.
Ask questions.

Two different hiring events will be hosted next week at Workforce Solutions for South Texas. They’re both for positions out of the city, however, as the Love’s Travel Stop Hiring Event is Tuesday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. for a position in Cotulla, and the Texas Department of Criminal Justice Hiring Event is Wednesday from 10:30 a.m. to 1;30 p.m. for a correctional officer position in either Cotulla or Dilley.

Both events will be held at Workforce Solutions, located at 1406 Jacaman Road, Suite A.

For more information, locals can visit WSST’s website, follow it on social media for updates or call its employment services team at 956-794-6500 or by emailing

Read the story online here

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RT El Manana

Batallan comercios en hallar empleados

Aunque el desempleo en la ciudad es el más bajo en la frontera texana, recortan horarios pues hace falta la mano de obra.


El Mañana de Nuevo Laredo

Aunque Laredo tiene la tasa de desempleo más baja en la frontera de Texas con México con un 4.3 por ciento, muchos establecimientos comerciales tienen serios problemas para encontrar empleados por lo que recortan sus horarios de operaciones.

Rogelio Treviño, director ejecutivo de Texas Workforce Solutions para el sur de Texas, dijo que Laredo regresó a las cifras de desocupación que tenía antes de la pandemia pero la diferencia es que muchas personas decidieron retirarse del mercado laboral.

“Durante la pandemia miles de personas comenzaron a trabajar desde su casa y se dieron cuenta que hay alternativas para obtener buenos ingresos y cuando la pandemia terminó ya no regresaron a sus empleos”, explicó.

Otros más decidieron retirarse y comenzar a vivir de sus pensiones por lo que tampoco regresaron a laborar.

Rogelio Treviño es el director ejecutivo de Texas Workforce Solutions para el sur de Texas
“Esta situación provocó que haya menos mano de obra disponible y ahora los negocios compiten por atraer y mantener a sus trabajadores porque están escasos”, mencionó.

Además, cuando una ciudad llega a un 4 por ciento de desempleo tiene problemas para encontrar trabajadores disponibles pues los más calificados ya están trabajando y queda muy poco margen para contratar.

Resaltó que industrias como la de restaurantes, hoteles, tiendas al menudeo, transporte y la de servicios médicos experimentan problemas para completar sus vacantes.

Inclusive se ha visto una elevada demanda en los distritos escolares y hasta en agencias de gobierno de la Ciudad, como el Departamento de Bomberos y la Policía que compiten por conseguir prospectos.

La situación ha prrovocado que algunos negocios como los restaurantes, reduzcan sus horarios de operaciones y cierren más temprano o bien abran más tarde de lo normal.

En tiendas de ventas al menudeo se nota también la escasez de personal pues se forman largas filas para pagar en las cajas porque no hay suficientes empleados.

“Es un fenómeno que no solamente lo estamos viviendo en Laredo sino en toda la nación y sin efectos de la pandemia de Covid”, dijo Treviño.

Lea la historia en línea visitando la página de El Mañana de Nuevo Laredo aquí

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Christina Youth Program KGNS

Workforce Solutions invites students to take advantage of youth work program.

LAREDO, TX. (KGNS) – A local organization is helping students by providing them with a smooth transition into the workforce.

WorkForce Solutions’ In-School Youth Program helps students who are currently in high school, or college get ready for the next chapter in their career or academics.

Based on the students’ interest, they will place them with an employer or industry where they will get some hands-on experience.

Christina Salinas, the WorkForce Solutions program manager says the purpose is to help our youth find a career pathway.

Salinas also adds that Workforce also has a tuition assistance program that could help with tuition, books or supplies.

For more information on the program call (956) 794-6500.

See the interview here

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LMT Job Club

Job Club touted by Workforce Solutions for those seeking new career.

Written By Malena CharurWorkforce Solutions for South Texas is inviting the community to join the Job Club, which recently started as a new option for those looking a new career or for those in need of continual growth.This idea arose as a result the pandemic’s end when everything returned to being in person. This led to the organization deciding to make a shift in the way it had been presenting the Job Readiness class, said Christina Salinas, Program Manager at Workforce Solutions for South Texas.

“Although virtual classes allow a more convenient way of joining online, in person is more individualized and allows for these sessions to be more interactive,” she said.

Salinas said the club will offer people interested in looking for a job to be more prepared for the different phases of the interview process such as:

  • Resume writing assistance.
  • Interview skills.
  • Mock interviews.
  • Common interview questions.
  • Networking skills.
  • Essential skills (soft skills).
  • Dress for success.
  • Business label.

“We also offer an overview of our job matching system,, assistance with updating your Work in Texas profile, job matching assistance, interview preparation and referrals to other community agencies or programs as needed,” she said.

Salinas also highlighted some key benefits of the Job Club.

  • Skill enhancement.
  • Networking opportunities.
  • Job search support.
  • Personal development.

Job Club also provides resources such as employment and training services, case management services and support services for transportation, housing, utility payments, uniforms, work tools, etc.

Salinas said that the Job Club is based on program participation and eligibility. This service is available in the counties served by WSST including Webb, Jim Hogg and Zapata.

Salinas added that all those interested in this initiative can also pre-register for more information at

“The Job Club, like all other services provided at Workforce Solutions for South Texas, is free of cost,” Salinas said.

Finally, the Job Club offers a supportive environment where anyone can learn, network and thrive.

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Mr. B Job Club

Workforce Solutions launches new ‘Job Club’

LAREDO, TX. (KGNS) – A local organization is willing and eager to help you land your next job.

Workforce Solutions has created its new “Job Club” initiative.

This new program provides job seekers with a little extra help when it comes to searching for their next job.

Those who join get to attend mock interviews and get one-on-one sessions with a caseworker.

“This Job Club is going to be for those individuals that are having a difficult time finding employment,” said Guillermo Bermudes with WorkForce Solutions. “They seem to be going to job interview after job interview, and they’re not reaching success. So through this job club they will be able to see what is that they are missing, perhaps they are missing on the interview skills, perhaps they are not properly dressed, perhaps they don’t know how to interact with a person, it’s just basic skills as well.”

The sessions are set to happen Tuesday to Thursday in the morning and afternoon.

Those wanting to register for the training can click here.

Check the interview here


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Spring Fair El Manana

Se incrementa tasa de desempleo entre abril y mayo

La Comisión de Fuerza Laboral del Sur de Texas señaló que a pesar del retroceso, las cifras están en el mismo nivel que antes de la pandemia de covid-19.

Redacción El Mañana de Nuevo Laredo

La tasa de desempleo en el mes de mayo sufrió un ligero incremento de medio por ciento en relación al mes de abril. No obstante, las cifras llegaron a las que tenía la ciudad antes de la pandemia de covid-19.

El reporte de la Comisión de Fuerza Laboral del Sur de Texas (TWC, por sus siglas en inglés) indicó que mientras en mayo la desocupación fue del 4.3 por ciento, en abril fue del 3.8 por ciento, una de las tasas más bajas en los últimos meses.

La fuerza laboral civil en mayo fue estimada en 124 mil 907 personas y de esta cifra, un total de 119 mil 437 tuvieron empleo.

A pesar del ligero aumento en el desempleo del área, el informe de la TWC establece que en Texas el empleo no agrícola total aumentó en 51 mil puestos durante el mes, agregando más puestos de trabajo que cualquier otro estado, registrando en total 13 millones 918 mil 700 personas con empleo.

Rogelio Treviño, director ejecutivo de Workforce Solutions para Sur de Texas, señaló que “nuestra fuerza laboral también ha vuelto a crecer a los mismos niveles que teníamos antes de la pandemia”

Por lo que se están llenando puestos de trabajo y los empleadores continúan enviando órdenes de trabajo, todas buenas señales para nuestra economía

Mientras que el estado de Texas reportó una tasa de desempleo de 4.1 por ciento, el índice nacional fue de un 3.4 por ciento, según el informe de TWC.

Essential Jobs reportó un aumento en el empleo por industria, como la de recursos naturales y minería, que registró un 3 por ciento; educación y servicios de salud un 3.7; manufactura un 1.8 por ciento; comercio, transporte y servicios públicos un 1.7; actividades financieras un 2.5, administración pública un 0.1 por ciento y otros servicios 0.9 por ciento.

Sin embargo, la construcción, información, servicios profesionales y la hotelería y restaurantes reportaron bajas.

“A medida que entramos en los meses de verano, esperamos ver un aumento en oportunidades de empleo y también un aumento de personas en la fuerza laboral que debería conducir a disminuciones en la tasa de desempleo.”

Para aquellos que buscan trabajo, se les invita a visitar el centro One-Stop en Laredo ubicado en 1406 Jacaman Road, Suite A. Los clientes también pueden llamar al 956-794-6500 o enviar un mensaje de texto al (888) 984-4826.

Lea la historia en línea en El Mañana de Nuevo Laredo

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