Child Care Services for Parents

Child Care Services are designed to build the future workforce by supporting the growth and development, prevent abuse and neglect and promote the health and safety of children ages 0-13. This is accomplished by helping parents who qualify to receive child care assistance, allowing parents to work, attend school or complete skills training.

Parents may qualify for services if they meet the following criteria:

  • Need childcare for a child under 13 years of age (or 19 years of age if disabled)

  • Proof of U.S. Citizenship or legal immigrant status for each child on whose behalf you are applying for childcare scholarships (birth certificate, alien registration card I-551, etc.)
  • Child needing care lives in the household with you.

  • Family’s asset should not exceed $1,000,000.

  • Live in one of the following counties:

    • Jim Hogg

    • Webb

    • Zapata

  • Need childcare in order to participate in work, school, or training activities for at least 25 hours per week for a single parent or 50 hours per week for a two-parent family (can be met in combination between both parents)

    • Child Care during education: “Educational Program that leads to one of the following: A high school diploma, A certificate of High School Equivalency or an undergraduate degree; definition of successful completion, must show progress towards successful completion of the program demonstrated through continued enrollment and maintain a GPA of 2.0 or above and time limits cumulative total of 60 months of post-secondary undergraduate education.”

  • Need childcare in order to search for employment aka “Initial Job Search.”

    • Initial job searches are limited to one per 12-month eligibility period.
    • Parents enrolling under an initial job search must self-attest they are not meeting the participation requirement and have registered with the state’s labor exchange system.
    • A job search is limited to three months.
    • Child Care Services will continue following this three-month period, if, by the end of the three months, the family meets income eligibility and the following activity requirements:
      • 25 hours for a single parent, with at least 12 hours in employment; or 50 hours combined for dual-parent families, with at least 25 combined hours in employment.
      • At the end of the initial three months of eligibility, if the family still does not meet minimum activity requirements, care will be terminated.
  • Total gross income for your household is below the 85% SMI: 

To apply for a Child Care Scholarship, select TX3C Parent Central site. This site will be the public access point for waiting lists, new applications and recertification applications.

It’s very important that you create an account under TX3C. To do so, please select TX3C Parent Portal

Initial Job Search is for families who do not meet the minimum participation requirements for At-Risk childcare initial eligibility. These families shall qualify for childcare while searching for work that will meet the minimum activity requirements.



“An individual who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence.”

Level of Education:

“Educational Program that leads to one of the following: A high school diploma, A certificate of High School Equivalency or An undergraduate degree; definition of successful completion, must show progress towards successful completion of the program demonstrated through continued enrollment and maintain a GPA of 2.0 or above and time limits cumulative total of 60 months of post-secondary undergraduate education.”

Enrollment is limited only to families who were previously outreached for a scholarship.
8 months. (The estimated amount of time before we outreach you for enrollment.)
October 22, 2024. Customers placed on our waitlist through 12/17/2023 were contacted.

Waitlist Online Application

It’s very important that you create an account under TX3C. To do so, please select TX3C Parent Portal

To apply for a Child Care Scholarship, select TX3C Parent Central site.

From now on, this site will be the access point for waiting lists.

Parents Rights and Responsibilities

Read the Parents Rights and Responsibilities form by clicking here 

Join the waitlist via TX3C

It’s very important that you create an account under TX3C. To do so, please select TX3C Parent Portal

After that, you will be able to apply for a Child Care Scholarship following this link TX3C Parent Central site.

From now on, this site will be the access point for waiting lists.

PLEASE, take a moment to read the Parent’s Rights and Responsibilities.

Thank You!

Child Care Provider Options

Parents are responsible for the selection of childcare providers. Follow this LINK to see the Child Care Providers List.

Options include:

Listed Family Home
Definition: A caregiver at least 18 years old who provides care in the caregiver's own home for compensation for three or fewer children unrelated to the caregiver, ages birth through 13 years. Regular care is provided, which is care provided for at least four hours a day, three or more days a week and more than nine consecutive weeks. The total number of children in care, including children related to the caregiver, may not exceed 12. Note: A home is subject to registration if it cares for more than three unrelated children on a regular basis, whether or not the unrelated children are in care at the same time. (A caregiver who is subject to regulation as a listed family home may instead become a registered child-care home.)

Registered Child-Care Home
Definition: A caregiver at who provides regular care in the caregiver's own residence for not more than six children from birth through 13 years. Child day care can be provided for six additional school-aged children before and after the customary school day. The total number of children in care at any given time, including children related to the caregiver, must not exceed 12.

Licensed Child-Care Home
Definition: The primary caregiver provides care in the caregiver's own residence for children from birth through 13 years. The total number of children in care varies with the ages of the children, but the total number of children in care at any given time, including the children related to the caregiver must not exceed 12.

Licensed Child-Care Center
Definition: An operation providing care for seven or more children younger than 14 years old for less than 24 hours per day at a location other than the permit holder's home.

CCS Contracted Providers

Child Care Services (CCS) has signed agreements with over 100 licensed providers within Jim Hogg, Webb and Zapata counties.

Relative Care Providers

Family members that may be eligible to provide care must be at least 18 years old, be the child’s grandparent, great grandparent, aunt/uncle, or sibling, and must meet the requirements of DFPS for becoming a Listed Family Home.


To request a transfer to another childcare provider, the parent must provide the current center with a 14-day notice.

Report Changes

  • Parents are required to report changes that impact the family’s eligibility within 14 days, such as

    • changes in income,

    • changes in family size,

    • changes in employment, training or education,

    • changes in address, phone number or email address


Notice to Parents: If your current CCS care is about to end, you may qualify for an extension through redetermination. Please pay close attention to the due date provided for submitting all necessary documents.

If you are currently receiving a CCS scholarship and your eligibility is due to be recertified between December 4, 2024, and January 31, 2025, you may qualify for an extension.  Workforce Solutions for South Texas Child Care Services will notify you if your eligibility end date was extended to prevent any disruption of services during the transition.  You will receive a notice with your new eligibility end date. 

Beginning January 13, 2025, all important information about your Child Care Scholarship will be shared through the TX3C Parent Portal, which is powered by KinderConnect.

It’s very important that you create an account under TX3C. To do so, please select TX3C Parent Portal

From now on, this site will be the access point for Redetermination lists.

Texas Child Care Connection

We are pleased to announce that TX3C will soon include a statewide online application for parents applying for Child Care Services (CCS). This new application will be both web-based and mobile-device friendly, making it easier than ever to apply for CCS.

Starting January 13, 2025, the Child Care Availability Portal will be updated to directly link to the new statewide application and portal for CCS parents. This integration will streamline the application process, providing a seamless and user-friendly experience for all parents.

Stay tuned for more updates, and thank you for your continued trust in our services!

Helpful Links for Parents

If you think you no longer need the services, contact the Child Care Services office immediately.
956-794-1500 or via text at (888) 984-4826

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