Workforce Solutions for South Texas

Workforce Solutions for South Texas recognizes that not all area employers have the same human resource needs. Because workforce challenges vary from employer to employer, we can customize our business services for any company. Our consultants work as advocates for you.

  • Recruiting, screening, testing and referring of qualified applicants to fit specific company jobs
  • Recruiting from other sources when there are no qualified candidates registered at
  • Skills, aptitude and interest testing of employees when job requirements change
  • Specially arranged training and development classes, workshops or seminars (such as job-specific training, diversity training or adult basic education classes) for current or new employees
  • Employee training online, on-site or in a classroom of a local community college via Metrix Learning
  • Employer hiring events at career offices or special job fairs for mass hires
  • Brokered services for employers that need to find consultants for specialized services, such as task analysis and job redesign
  • Fund an apprenticeship program for combined on-the-job and classroom training through the U.S. Dept. of Labor

Most customized services are provided at no cost, but some training and development services may require a nominal fee.

Eligible Training Provider (ETP) Certification System

Workforce Solutions for South Texas welcomes interested training providers to submit applications for certification of occupational training programs. Approved applications are submitted to the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) to be placed on the ETP Statewide List, an internet-based list of certified training providers, which is viewed by eligible WIOA participants who are seeking training opportunities.

Workforce Solutions for South Texas will review the application's content, performance, cost, and linkage to our Board's Targeted Occupation List. Approved applications will be submitted to the Texas Workforce Commission. Programs shall be eligible for WIOA sponsorship upon being listed on the Statewide Eligible Training Provider List.

For more information on in demand occupations, approved trainings and providers, please visit the following links:

For information contact:
Bertha Millan
(956) 722-3973 ext. 245

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