Labor Market Data & Laws

Find labor market information about the Texas economy and workforce. Use tools to target your business development, explore industry and economic trends, and research and track emerging and evolving occupations in Texas.

As part of the strategic planning process, Workforce Solutions for South Texas identifies occupations that have a projected potential growth for employment opportunities for local job seekers. Training required by these occupations may be Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) funded. There were 27 targeted occupations identified. Get access to the Local Targeted Occupations Report (Updated by TWC).

Labor Laws

Navigating the laws regarding employment can be overwhelming. Make sure your business is complying with labor laws regarding discrimination, wages, overtime, child labor, benefits, unemployment and more. Find the required notifications and posters that must be posted in the workplace and find Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Training. Visit for a full list of resources and assistance.

The Labor Law program includes the Texas Payday Law and the Texas Child Labor Law. The Texas Payday Law allows employees to file wage claims for unpaid wages or compensation. The Texas Child Labor Law ensures that a child is not employed in an occupation or manner that is detrimental to the child's safety, health or well-being. The program also includes disseminating information on the Texas Minimum Wage Act.

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