Metrix Learning

Gear up to Elevate Your Skills with Metrix!
Explore the diverse range of training programs tailored to equip you with the skills and certifications required for today’s competitive job market.
If you are part of the WIOA or TANF program, don’t miss out on this opportunity to invest in your future! This program is based on eligibility.
Text the word METRIX to 888-984-4826 to connect you with a staff member.

Check the flyers to get more specific details about these trainings. And click on this link for more information.

You can also visit

Conquer the present with the LaredoCARES 3.0 Workforce Training Program.

The LaredoCARES 3.0 Workforce Training Program is here to help you conquer the present.

The partnership between Workforce Solutions for South Texas (WSST), Laredo College, and the City of Laredo – Government will boost 18 short-term programs. 

Qualifying participants are persons who have experienced, or continued to experience, lay-off, furlough, or under-employment due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Eligible participants will be able to choose from 18 different programs in fields such as health and medical, business, management, technology, education, transportation, logistics and industrial.

Workforce Solutions for South Texas will offer and provide additional support services such as resume writing, job seeking, transportation and childcare for students that successfully complete the program.

All trainings and certification programs will be provided by Laredo College Office of Continuing Education.

Don’t wait any longer and register today!
Or you can text the word CARES to (888) 984-4826 for assistance.

Funding for this program is provided through allocations through both the City of Laredo and Laredo College. Both entities have committed and pledged up to $750,000 each for a total of up to $1,500,000 in program funding.

Job Seeker Education & Training

Plan your future and explore career opportunities with our education and training services. Find information to continue or launch your career with training available from community colleges, technical schools, or trade schools. Our Career Preparedness services include:

  • Workshops on resumé writing, interviewing skills, and job search techniques
  • Stress management workshops and referrals for personal or crisis counseling
  • Financial management classes and credit counseling
  • Customized on-site job fairs and/or information on community job fairs
  • Labor market information on in demand jobs, wages, job trends, and prospective employers
  • Assistance in accessing government-funded retraining programs

Job Club

Calling all Job Seekers to be part of the “Job Club.”

Contact us today and receive information on how to get Employment and Training Services, Case Management Services and Support Services for Transportation, Housing, Utility Payments, Uniforms, work tools, etc.

If you are:
– looking for a new Career?
– in need of Recovery and Continual Growth?

We invite you to Join Us for our Free Orientation. Funding is available – for those who qualify.

Pre-Register at

Workforce Solutions for South Texas
1406 Jacaman Rd. Suite A
Laredo, Texas 78041

Don’t miss out on a new Opportunity to Elevate in life and Join the Network that Works for you.

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
9:00 am – 11:00 am
2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Based on program participation and eligibility

Eligible Training Providers

Workforce Solutions for South Texas (WSST) analyzes the regional labor market industry and occupational trends that impact the region’s economic stability. Based on this analysis, WSST identifies top industries and occupations that are in high demand in the region.  Training to prepare a skilled workforce in these targeted high demand industries and occupations is supported by Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) funds with Eligible Training Providers (ETPs).  ETPs are entities with job training programs approved by the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC).

To view WSST’s targeted high demand occupations click the link below.

In Demand Occupations

If you are interested in career training WSST may help you achieve your training and education goals.  To access the statewide ETP list, click the link below. 

Once on the website, scroll down to “Overview” and download the “Statewide Eligible Training Providers List.”

Adult Education and Literacy

These programs support anyone who is 16 years or older and meets one of the following:  lacks a high school diploma or General Equivalency Diploma (GED); functions below the high school level; or is unable to speak; read or write in English. These individuals will find tools needed to transition into postsecondary education, training or employment. Some of the services offered may include GED or High School Equivalency test preparation, planning for a college education, career training, and more.

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