Vocational Rehabilitation (VR)

If you have a physical, mental, or cognitive impairment or disability that makes employment difficult for you, the Texas Workforce Solutions – Vocational Rehabilitation Services and Workforce Solutions for South Texas may be able to assist in the areas of preparing, finding, maintaining or advancing in your career.

The Vocational Rehabilitation program helps people with disabilities prepare for, find, or retain employment. The program also helps youth and students prepare for post-secondary opportunities. The program also helps businesses and employers recruit, retain and accommodate employees with disabilities.

Here to Serve

We’re in this together! Your local Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) teams are committed to the continuation of services to help you reach your employment goals.

Your health and safety are our top priority!

While we aren’t able to meet in person, VR counselors, VR teachers, rehabilitation assistants and Independent Living staff are available to you by phone, email or teleconference where possible.

Ways to contact us:

Call Statewide Call Center:  512-936-6400, you will speak with a representative and then connected to the nearest VR office.


Email: vr.office.locator@twc.state.tx.us, to find the local VR office nearest you.


Workforce Solutions for South Texas

1406 Jacaman Road, Suite A

Laredo, TX 78041

Disabilities Served:

If you have one or more of the following [diagnosed or not] you may qualify for Vocational Rehabilitation services:

  • Behavioral and mental health conditions
  • Hearing impairments, including deafness
  • Alcoholism or drug addiction
  • Intellectual, learning and developmental disabilities
  • Physical disabilities, including traumatic brain and spinal cord injury, back injury, paralysis and impaired movement
  • Visual impairments

Vocational Rehabilitation Services:

  • Vocational counseling and guidance
  • Referrals for hearing, visual and other examinations
  • Assistance with medical appointments and treatment
  • Rehabilitation devices, including hearing aids, wheelchairs, artificial limbs and braces
  • Therapy to address a disability, including occupational or speech therapy and applied behavioral analysis
  • Physical restoration services
  • Medical, psychological and vocational assessments
  • Assistance with college education or trade certification
  • On-the-job training
  • Training in workplace and employer expectations
  • Vocational adjustment training
  • Rehabilitation Teachers Services to help you learn Braille, orientation & mobility, and home and health management skills if you are blind or have a visual impairment
  • Supported employment

Texas HireAbility Public Service Announcement – YouTube

Applicants must meet eligibility requirements for Vocational Rehabilitation Services.

If you have a mental or physical impairment that has impacted your ability to find or keep a job, Texas Workforce Solutions-Vocational Rehabilitation Services (TWS-VRS) may be able to assist you.

Together with Workforce Solutions for South Texas, TWS-VRS provides Texans with disabilities an array of workforce and support services that help you prepare for, find, retain and advance in employment.

The newly launched Start My VR is an online self-referral form that offers a convenient way for Texans with disabilities to take the first step toward employment by meeting with VR staff to learn about Vocational Rehabilitation Services and meet with a VR Counselor. Get started today by visiting Start My VR or by scanning the QR code and taking three easy steps.

  1. Go to the “Start My VR” secure web portal & enter your contact information.
  2. Receive a Request Number confirming receipt.
  3. A VR team member will contact you to share how VR services may benefit you.
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