Open employment doors for Veterans

Melva Castillo November 4, 2024
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LAREDO, TX. – A job door is opening to veterans, men and women, offering the minimum wage at $15 an hour, Workforce Solutions for South Texas announced at a conference.
The job fair was scheduled for November 14, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., in the multi-use room at 1406 Jacaman Rd, announced Rogelio Treviño, executive director of WFSS.
Gabriel Lopez, assistant director of the Veterans Leadership Program in Texas, detailed the benefits of hiring veterans, considering his experience, discipline, and openness to following corporate protocols.
“If they hire Veterans to Red, White and You. Connect employers with veterans and their spouses,” said Gonzalez. “11,574 job applicants have been registered, including 3,620 veterans, and up to 500 same-day hires have been achieved.”
In 2023 South Texas served 220 job applicants and 28 employers.
Hiring Red White & You! It’s a series of statewide hiring events connecting veterans, transitioning military and military spouses with Texas employers.
Texas Workforce Solutions is hosting the event in partnership with the Governor’s Office, Texas Veterans Commission, and Texas Medical Center.
Texas is number one in veteran-owned businesses and veteran-woman-owned businesses.
Texas is home to 1.5 million veterans (DOD/DMDC: June 2022; + VA) and more women veterans than any other state. Texas is home to 15 major military facilities and the Army Futures Command.
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