Frequently Asked Questions

Workforce Solutions for South Texas offers a wide range of work-related services to help you find the job you need. Below are some of our most commonly asked questions.

Where is Workforce Solutions for South Texas located?

1406 Jacaman Rd., Suite A, Laredo, TX 78041

Does Workforce Solutions have offices anywhere else?

Yes, we have two satellite offices. One is located in Hebbronville, TX, at 210 N. Smith (Jim Hogg Library) Hebbronville, TX 78361; and the second one is located in Zapata, TX, at 605 US Hwy 83 Suite B, Zapata, TX 78076.

What are the different ways to contacting the staff?

Chat is available on our website.

Text Message us at 877-323-4229.

Call us by phone at 956-794-6500 or 956-794-1500.

Or find us through our social media pages: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, or YouTube.

Do you have a Curbside Service?

Ye, we do. Just come visit us at 1406 Jacaman Road, Suite A in Laredo, Texas. Look for the designated parking spots, send us the A# to 877-323-4229 and we will assist you. There's no need to step down your car. We will be there!

Workforce Services

How can I search for jobs around my area?

Try the JobsNearMe website. Our site is linked to WorkInTexas.

Can I apply for Child Care Services online?

Yes, visit this link on your phone, tablet/iPad or computer.

Where can I apply for Unemployment Benefits?

Visit Online

By phone 1-800-939-6631

Where can I report a fraud involving my Social Security number?

Individuals who may have been victims of identity theft and had a claim submitted using their Social Security Number, should use the fraud portal (English) or (Spanish) to report the issue to appropriate TWC staff.

By Email at

By Phone 800-252-3642.

Additional information is available online.

Still Need Help?

Our workforce center staff are ready to help answer your questions and assist job seekers, employers, parents and child care providers throughout Jim Hogg, Webb and Zapata counties in Texas.

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