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Job Seekers Employers Child Care Agency Documents WIOA - Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act TX Child Care Availability Portal
Acuerdo de los Padres para Informar la Asistencia al Cuidado Infantil
Date modified: 04-25-2023 8:08am
Child Care Services Parent Rights and Responsibilities Form ENGLISH
Date modified: 06-20-2024 9:09am
Desk Aid - How Providers can Update Availability_July 2021 - English
Date modified: 09-03-2021 2:02pm
Desk Aid - How Providers can Update Availability_July 2021-Spanish
Date modified: 09-03-2021 2:02pm
Formulario de los Derechos y Responsabilidades de los Padres SPANISH
Date modified: 06-20-2024 9:09am
Hiring Event
To request a Hiring Event at the Workforce Solutions One-Stop Center or the Zapata Satellite Office, please fill out the Google Form.
Date modified: 11-27-2024 3:03pm
Job Order
Fill out the Google Form to inform the Business Service Representatives of your interest in posting a job order in WorkInTexas.
Date modified: 11-27-2024 3:03pm