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The unemployment rate in Laredo went up in June.

LAREDO ⎯ Workforce Solutions for South Texas (WSST) reported a seasonally adjusted unemployment rate for the Laredo MSA’s that increased by 1.0 percent in June up to 7.7 percent. The State of Texas reported a 6.6 percent unemployment rate, while the national unemployment rate was reported at 6.1 percent, according to a report by the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC).

The three-county Workforce Solutions for South Texas (WSST) area of Jim Hogg, Webb, and Zapata counties reported a seasonally adjusted unemployment rate of 8.0 percent in June 2021 this represents an increase of 1.0 percent in comparison to May 2021 that was at 7.0 percent.

“These slight increases in the area’s unemployment rates can most likely be attributed to increases in the civilian labor force (CLF). Over the last several weeks we’ve seen the CLF increase and we believe the increase can be attributed to returning workers who had been discouraged during the pandemic period and were not ready, willing, or able to work,” Rogelio Trevino, Workforce Solutions for South Texas Executive Director, said. “In my opinion, this increase in the CLF force will be good news for employers that are currently facing shortages in job applicants as they will have more applicants to choose from in filling their job vacancies.”

The South Texas area, serving Jim Hogg, Webb, and Zapata counties, reported a Civilian Labor Force of 115,842, with 8,896 unemployed. This means that 106,946 people are employed in the three-county area.

Essential Jobs reported an increase in employment by industry, such as the Trade, Transportation, and Utilities (1.0%); and Professional and Business Services (2%). The manufacturing, Information, Financial Activities, Government, and Other Services industries reported no change.

Industries reporting losses were the following: Mining, Logging, and Construction; Education and Health Services; and, Leisure and Hospitality.

“Over the last 16 months, our local economy has fluctuated from unemployment rates that reached up to 14 percent back down to 7 percent. Our local businesses are now readjusting their employment structures as they recover and implement new ways of doing business,” Trevino said.

“These adjustments have made it difficult to predict employment rates but we foresee that we will slowly return back to the pre-pandemic rates of low unemployment; however, there will be changes to business structures and job functions as employers implement things they’ve learned over the last few months.”

Employment estimates released by TWC are produced in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics. All estimates are subject to revision.

Bi-Weekly Job Fair

The Bi-Weekly Job Fairs are coming back in August but will transition into in-person events.

The “August Vibes Bi-Weekly Job Fair” has been scheduled for Wednesday, August 11 from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.; and for Wednesday, August 25 from 1 p.m. – 4 p.m.

Employers who are interested in participating at any of these events can register by visiting the short link bit.ly/augustvibes2021

“Workforce Solutions for South Texas remains committed to offering quality workforce solutions systems for our local employers and our job fairs/hiring events have always been a very successful way for us to help connect employers and job seekers in order to fill job vacancies,” Trevino said. “We strongly encourage employers and job seekers to access and utilize our no-cost workforce solutions services as they look to either find an employee or find employment.”

The Texas Labor Market & Career Information Data for July is scheduled to be released on Friday, August 20, 2021, at 9:00 a.m.

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