TxDOT Laredo searching for new recruits

Melva Castillo July 21, 2022

The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is searching for some new members to join its team.

In collaboration with Workforce Solutions for South Texas, TxDOT Laredo is hosting a hiring fair. Jobs are now available in Laredo and the surrounding areas from general transportation tech to general engineering tech to engineering tech as well as other areas.

The TxDOT Laredo District hiring fair is on Tuesday, July 19 from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. and it takes place at the Workforce Solutions for South Texas Office located at 1406 Jacaman Road.

The agency stresses that the jobs are not only for men but for women as well.

Jose Magana, the maintenance supervisor at TxDOT says, “We do have a lot of projects coming in and existing construction. Since Laredo is growing at a fast pace, of course the transportation system has to grow with how the city is growing. So yes, a lot of opportunities that we have right now.”

If you did not get a chance to go to the hiring fair, you click here.

You can also head here to look at the positions available. You can also follow the agency’s social media platforms on Facebook and Twitter feeds and look for hiring messages on the TxDOT Laredo District Twitter feed.

Published: Jul. 19, 2022 at 10:01 AM CDT
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