Workforce Solutions for South Texas offering services to dislocated workers.

LMT Story

A program that seeks to benefit displaced workers by offering them employment and training services has recently been announced by Workforce Solutions for South Texas.

Christina Salinas, Program Manager at Workforce Solutions for South Texas, said that this services are intended for eligible workers who are unemployed through no fault of their own or who have received an official layoff notice and experiencing difficulty in obtaining or upgrading employment.

“Through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act or WIOA Dislocated Workers Program, we offer tuition assistance for training, case managed job search services, opportunities for paid work experience, on the job training and supportive services like gas vouchers, utility bill assistance, rental or mortgage assistance and much more,” she said.

Salinas added that in order to be eligible to receive WIOA services as a dislocated worker an individual must:

  • Be a citizen or noncitizen authorized to work in the United States.
  • Meet Military Selective Service registration requirements (males only).
  • Meet the definition of dislocated worker at WIOA §3(15).

Salinas said that according to that definition, for the most part include individuals having been laid off or terminated from their job; who are eligible for, receiving or have exhausted unemployment benefits; were part of a company closure; or are still unemployed.

Those persons who are eligible for this program can visit the Workforce Solutions for South Texas center, located at 1406 Jacaman Rd. Suite A, or call at 956-794-6500 and ask for the WIOA Program. They can also email or visit

Salinas also said that training of choice must be on the TWC Eligible Training Provider list and the South Texas Target Occupation list.

“We do have open enrollment at the moment; however, spaces are limited, and services are provided on a first come, first serve basis to those who meet the eligibility requirements,” she said.

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